A short train ride during the day and we arrived in Delhi from Agra. We had planned to spend 6 days here before flying out to Singapore, to be transferred to Bintan Island in Indonesia for 5 days. On arrival there was the usual harassment from the touts at the train station but there was a pre -paid auto rickshaw booth so we managed to make our way there through the crowds and get a 50 rupee fare . The driver queried the fare , rightfully so after we realised how far it was, and didn’t know the location of the hotel so we had to stop ring the hotel and get the reception staff to give him directions. Expensive hotel, but it had clean sheets and bathroom. We discovered at breakfast which was less than average ( I had a cockroach in my museli ) that others were paying cheaper rates, no consistency in pricing , but free WiFi. Yay!
Crazy city, more cars to add to the numerous forms of transport that congest the paved roads. Some semblance or order and knowledge of road traffic rules , and even traffic infringements enforced, so we were informed ( eg you have to go around the roundabout the correct way and you cant bride the local traffic personal to go down a one way street the wrong way -short cut, as we had experienced in other places in India) .
Every time we used the transport we were taken by some ‘government emporium’ where the driver was rewarded with a bonus if we entered ‘just to have a look’ or just for a ‘few’ minutes'. We were over it, but I did get persuaded into purchasing a hand embroidered quilted wall hanging/ bed spread. After this purchase we became very very forthright to the point of arguing with any drivers who wanted to take us to these places. We refused to pay them and told them we would get out if they even considered it! At this point Mark stated “I am over India and I think we should get out of here” I seconded it and so we devised a new plan. We went to the Air NZ agent and brought our tickets forward to fly to Singapore on the 27th. Mark found some accommodation in Singapore for 3 days and so we farewelled India, after a day of "Speed tourism" - Delhi on the run in a day – not that there is alot to see.
What can I say in this posting about Delhi –Expensive, touristy, you are forever ' dodging the dodgy' , rickshaw drivers refusing to transport us when we challenged them on price or asked them to use a meter and one driver even left us stranded after he had received his bonus for delivering us to yet another Emporium after we had listened intently to his life story of 2 wives, HIV and the expense of the drugs and him needing to stop to use the toilet frequently as the HIV medication gave him diarrhoea ! ( It is not intention to sound harsh and lacking in empathy here, but, it was hard to know what was fact and what was fiction , was it just a story to extort more money from us ? What sceptical, cynical travellers we have become - sadly so !)
What more positive things will we remember about Delhi – Great Thali,
Shopping( very pressured) , more security in shops , the statue of Humayan ( I think that's who it was !)
Marks statement: " I am officially over India!"
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