Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Fashion Shopping with Radhika in Tamghas village

It doesnt matter where you go in the world and how much people earn there is always woman's fashion!. These photographs are of the traditional Nepalese outfits I had made by one of the many local tailors in the village.( 1200 rupees for material and 200 rupees for making, $28 NZ total ) Is is called a kutha . You select the material , bargain for the price and then take it to the tailor who measures you and sews it on a treadle machine( no electric machines due to the many hours of power cuts in this country, you would go out of business).
Radhika , Ganga's 17 year sister lived with us at the centre and did most of the cooking( prior to and after having gone to school for the day ) was so enthusiastic about taking me shopping, showing me all the styles and colours. We has so much fun. We walked arm in arm through the village bargaining and laughing. She is my new adopted daughter! I always wanted a big family.

The tailors and a woman with oh that middle age spread!


  1. You have to get me some of those pants! They look sooooo comfy!! The colours I like is black....or white...or red...or gold kay! :) ill pay you when i get back hehe They look really good mum! What a cool item to bring home with you :)

  2. hey hang on a just read the bit about an adopted daughter......
