Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Woof woof- happy birthday!

Alex and Richard (Photo) , friends of Jon's staged a birthday party for their dogs( 7 Brittany Spaniels if I recall ) . Friends, 20 people and dogs invited ( 6 other doggy friends ). We came into the category of people if you were wondering!

A sumptuous spread of barbecue food over a real fire; home made pates, pork sausages, chicken, roast pork and potatoes, followed by lemon tarts and chocolate flans. Yum!

Menu printed in keeping with the theme. Our menu not the dogs!

A french barn affair , 70's music, Richard shaking his booody and making grand speeches about his culinary skills and the huge amount of time he had spent preparing for the event......Delusions of grandeur from what I gather ! Alex had slaved away all day and probably the day before .
Alex flame throwing in the kitchen cooking potatoes which were golden and crispy while a young french girl and her mother made salad dressing...french of course .( maybe)

The dogs cakes on display with a platter of doggy treats. Luckily we didn't get the cakes mixed up in the dark of the night and after a few wines.

Happy birthday to you ....... in English and French, a huff and a puff , candles extinguished and dog bowls filled with dog roll gateau . Woof woof!


  1. Wow... there is quite a contrast in the images presented here to the preliminary of the blog.

    when you think of the quality of life of the Nepalese people and then you look at a cake made of sausages for domestic animals it is hard for me not to be offended by western ignorance. At first it was a shocking polarity that made me think about society as a whole and what people care about. What people are in-tune with and there priority's.

    I hope you guys are having a great time, I'm certainly getting allot from your blog.
