Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Right or wrong...???

Right or wrong, ‘same same ...but different’. Individual perceptions.

The other day I got out of bed on the wrong side, right side depending on which way you are facing headed for the van getting in on the wrong side, left, and drove to the passterie on the wrong side of the road, right side. I managed the colloquial morning greeting bonjournee, ordered 4 croissants , 2 pain au chocolat instead of quatre croissants and deux pain au chocloat, un boule blanc tranches-( one white ball of bread sliced) got that right, I think..... , but she still didn’t understand the accent or lack of...frustrating!

The day progressed from there. I attempted to make the bed with double sheets instead of queen and of course they didn’t fit...derr....why???? I had offered to cook a beef casserole for tea and Jon suggested that beuf bourguignon would be nicer so small helpful tips were forthcoming throughout the process. Marinate the meat over night in red wine...ok..I can do that....shall I then brown it.....yes I would normally......oopsie forgot to flour it first....look whose cooking this! Suggestion number 2 or 3 or could turn it into curry!!!!!!!!

The rest of the day off..... yay! Mark was making himself scarce to give me some space, I settled into some reading and working on the blog which I really enjoy as it is my reflective time. Just relaxing into it ...wrong......scones and heating a shepherd’s pie for lunch requested. Damn! They were yum though.

Mark comes back hoping to find a refreshed balanced wife .....Not quite....not YET

Off to the beach to have a look and a walk. A change of scenery is as good as a rest ...possibly...hopefully for all concerned.

Recounting the day sitting having a wine Mark casually balances up the days activities and accounts for the time we have spent individually undertaking chores . ....Miss match between his calculations and mine .....Wrong answer Mark....oh dear.....!

The end of the day in sight. I get into the right side of the bed and stay there all night .......thankfully the day is over and such days are vey rare. Most of the time I get out of bed on the right side and do no wrong......YEAH RIGHT!!!!!


  1. hehe very confusing mum but i like it hahaha so funny. Mum needs her space hahaha poor mark getting bossed around haha and mum getting told how to cook what a laugh!

  2. No one tells MUM what to do ....ha ha ha!
