What is a Caravanserai ? In Urgup ( Turkey) Vivienne suggested we stop and visit the Carvanserai sight on our way to Mazi Underground city . It is one of the largest of it kind she informed us. My thoughts were why do we want to visit a place where people travelling with Caravans or motor homes stop off on long journeys ! ha ha . I came to learn it is a ancient road side Inn ( large rectangular walled space , open to the sky ) where travellers often travelling by camel stopped to rest from their travels, eg along the Silk route.
Crazy Ali in Urgup: A man with a colourful past now a village poet in Urgup Turkey ( mentioned even in the lonely planet guide). A handsome man with kind eyes seemingly very content ,very calm and with lots and lots of time for any one who cared to stop by. A very respected elder who owns a shop, buts his claim to fame is sitting drinking Turkish tea reading his poetry . If you are lucky he will recite one for you .I was fortunate to have the experience. Eyes to the Soul .
Mark dancing . Whilst enjoying a ferry ride to the Princes Islands off Turkey Mark becomes entertainment . He was spotted by a group of Spanish students, girls and older woman, enjoying the sea air singing and dancing . He was snapped up and ended up leading the group dancing around the ferry . GO Mark !
Ayran : Runny yogurt. We bought this in Turkey thinking it was milk and realised our mistake when it curdled in my tea. ..but wait there's more..... we did the same thing in France with another yogurt just different branding !
Lost in no translation ! Leaking shower in Paris: Early one morning a knock at the door to our apartment to be greeted by a woman who only spoke french trying to tell us something about our apartment, from what I gathered . She spoke slowly and emphasised the words carefully hoping I would eventually get it (NOT!) , I replied in English mirroring her and making wild guesses. (Mark cracking up in the background as we talk louder and more deliberately hoping there will eventually be a breakthrough...Not! ) Finally she writes it all down and leaves it with us. We emailed this to the apartment owner who says he" gets it" . Outcome The shower is leaking.
Cultural faux pas:Traveling back on the Ferry on the Bosphorus we have a long discussion with Bada a Muslim man from Oman who is holidaying in Turkey with his wife ( in a full burka) and young son. We exchange information about NZ and Oman ( Saudi), comparing prices about houses land , education , the economy and general lifestyle . Eventually he introduces himself and shakes Marks hand. I reach out to do the same and give my name and he does not respond respectfully saying in Muslim culture he is not permitted to touch another woman. The Turkish woman sitting opposite me is smirking . Embarrassed we all laugh.
Worst visit:Chateau De Cerisy -La- Salle: One of the biggest disappointments to date. A picturesque large Chateau about 5 kms from Le Castel. Only open on Thursday to visit between 3-4.30. We drive into the beautiful grounds park the van and join what appears to be a large group. Pay 8 euros each . We are then directed into the library and a 10-15 minute introduction is given in French of the history of the Chateau and library. Everyone laughing and having a good time except....us. We then go to the kitchen which just has benches and tables and a few copper pots on the walls, another in depth French monologue and the grand finale is upstairs to a lounge of old books behind chicken mesh ....another french monologue....We finally ask if we can look at the Chateau....the answer is no in English ! After 30 minutes of looking at three spartan rooms and listening to the French history that only we cant understand we leave. Very very disappointing. I wonder if you can post a review on their web site ...... or trip advisor !
The boys .Well this has to take to prize for the most classic of all classic moments. Jon and Mark squashed into a bumper car at Cerisy La Salle Fete. Two boys. Im sure Jon likes Mark more than me ! :)
hahahahahah mark dancing. thats so funny! did you video? haha