Nepal: Is emerging from many years or agitation, political upheaval and change from a feudal monarchy to a republic. Social services reaching the poorest disabled people Nepalese have suffered greatly in this time combined with its remoteness, mountains and inaccessible country.
It is estimated , that at least 10% of the population have disabilities and require assessment and rehabilitation .
Causes of disability include: CP, polio, war injuries, leprosy, accidents, hearing speech and blindness, burns, birth deformities , surgical and medical errors and mental health issues .
The centre :was formally opened July 2006 in the Gulmi District , 400 kms west of Kathmandu , the capital. Gulmi is a coffee growing area and farming area, With the help from EU and other aid donors the roads are being upgraded and health services improved .
Services provided: To registered disabled members at little or no cost ( 100-500 rupees) Services include: referral for medical assistance, counselling ( on rehabilitation ) , physiotherapy , special needs education, corrective surgery and fitting of mobility aids, vocational training, awareness raising of disability and community based rehabilitation ( CBR) .
Donors : In the first year of operation, from local and international communities including MEND NZ, Rotary International ( Australia), the Rotary disability Centre in Banepa, the Gulmi District Council (DDC) and Hope Members who giving their services, advice, funds, time and energy . US!
Ref: Information obtained from the Hope Centre Progress Report 2006
wow i cant imagine how you are coping and feeling over there! good on you and mark! you guys are outstanding