4th September. Lok, Rob and Ganga
Where do I start! Networking
Rob: born in Australia but has lived in Keri Keri for most of his life ! Lives in Nepal 5 months of the year and on a yacht when in NZ . Engineer by trade, film maker, fund raiser and probably alot of other hidden talents that we don't know about . A man with so many visions you are blinded, an ideas man . He sees a need and makes it happen for so many disabled people in Nepal. "Limbs for Life" -NZ engineering ingenuity making prosthetics from recycled aluminium cans.
(Click on the link MEND in a previous blog posting , to learn more and watch short video's on this man and the projects he is involved in.)
Rob is in Nepal before returning to NZ and he has been one of our contacts regarding the voluntary work we hoping to undertake on our travels. He has been the man behind the Hope Centre's ( Kashmir, Ghana and Nepal) There are 3 such centre's in Nepal. ( One up and running in Gulmi. The other 2 are in the developing stages, Chatara being one of these).
He throws ideas at you hoping you will have his energy and creativity, and direct approach at times, to move things along. Example: You ( meaning us) could oversee the ring fencing of the new piece of land where the centre in Chatara is to be built . He also suggested going to another centre currently being built, which is hours away in another direction to advise on the design and positioning of the toilet ! eg a squat toilet( Nepalese toilet) with a drop down seat for disabled people! No MOH or ACC funding for this or equipment company's to supply.
Kamala: a beautiful 26 year old Nepalese woman who is a triple amputee : bilateral below elbow and above right knee, as a result of electrical burns caused by a kite flying accident at the age of 10. After the accident she could not go to school, as she said to me "there are no special schools" . She lives at home with her family on the second floor ( no lift) . Since meeting Rob at the aged of 17 she has received rotary funding and was flown to Sydney to have 3 new limbs fitted . In the last few years MEND NZ have sponsored Kamala to become a singer at Do Re Mi Studio where Durga Lal Shrestha and Nhyoo Bajracharya have supported other disabled artists to make successful albums . As well as MEND supporting her one of her songs sponsored by the NZ Symphony Orchestra !
We sat on the floor in her home playing on Face book ( WiFi seems to be in many Nepalese homes ) enjoying milky Nepali tea, boiled eggs and biscuits , then listening to her album. Her parents who spoke little to no English invited us to stay the night and since meeting her again the following day the extended another invite for tea. Such welcoming people.
We spent the day following Rob around, meeting locals some of which had disabilities, others shop owners :
Lok- Nepalese film producer . Down to Zero- A film about a Nepalese mans life struggle. I sat next to Lok in the Internet cafe. He appearing somewhat emotional as he shared the film he had made. He explained to me that it was " psychology". There were scenes of a young boy bleeding from the nose, crying ( ? having been beaten) , and graphic war scenes in Nepal a few years ago ( the latter being real footage ,something Lok had witnessed/ experienced ) , loss of family land , displacement and finally death. The actors face painted in to signify the two sides of life , one side black and one side white, the black head scarf of ?communist oppression, the yellow forehead ( future hope?) and the red dot of the Hindu religion - tika .( this was my interpretation of the film combined with what I understood from the conversation I had with Lok......open to other interpretations )
Whilst walking through the Kathmandu streets a woman begging approached us. She had severe burns on her chest arms and face , contractures of the wrist and keloid scarring. From a gas bottle exploding ( Lok ascertained this ) . Rob informed about her about the "free hospital" services and surgery that may be available to her . She did not appear interested in this , money was her apparent goal, begging her occupation . From the look on Loks face he appeared to have an understanding of the woman situation . Mark and I standing observing . It makes you question- are we imposing our values ? What was her real 'need' ? Food for thought
Action packed day!
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