Village houses and building materials: No fees, council permits, building consents or inspections , engineers reports, surveying or insurance required. Scaffolding is bamboo and people wear thongs or bare feet and woman work in sari's or sarongs ( village life !)Usually a mix of middle , aged woman, or older, and young men labouring .
The standard building materials in the villages we have seen are stones, bricks, bamboo and wood. Held together with mud and or concrete which is hand mixed on the side of the road by 2-3 people,each taking a turn on the shovel which is held by one person and pulled by another who holds a rope attached to the handle of the shovel.( ergonomics) The mud or concrete is mixed and shovelled into baskets then carried on the back where it is to be laid, sometimes up a flight of steps.
Concrete or mud floor, iron on the windows, no glass , wooden shutters, curtains across the doors for privacy and air flow, doors never closed inside , and if they have a shop as part of the home they sometimes have a roller door for security .
This house below is of a middle class family in Tamghas .
Village home of less fortunate people ( below)
maybe my flats have not been so bad....