The meal consists of rice, curried potatoes and a vegetable,a chili sauce, pickles, dahl ( lentil soup) , cucumber , and water .In the morning we have requested an egg for some variation ( additional charge for this ! ) Usa has varied the meals for us in the evenings and we have had goat meat and chicken once. Sometimes she makes roti and we have had rice pudding as a main meal on one occasion also . Eating all happens very fast and you keep getting top ups unless you say no!
Traditionally the woman eat after the men so Gorgol eats with us . Usa usually sits on the floor in the kitchen with her son and eats her meal after we have finished . They eat with the right hand , tipping the dahl into the rice, slowly adding the vegetables , pickles and chili, mixing with the fingers and scooping up with the hand into the mouth. The plate is always clean . No waste here!
looks like you would keep nice and skinny aye!