Saturday, October 2, 2010

One Horned Rhino Safety

One Horned Rhino;

These are only found in Chitwan national park . Rhino attacks on humans are more prevalent than tiger attacks . There are larger numbers and they can be found around the periphery of the park therefore when walking in the park you need to be on your guard. Extreme caution needs to be taken if you come across a mother with a baby as like all mothers she is very protective . Apparently they charge and just keeping charging at you .There are several deaths each year so this is not taken lightly.

We had an informal unplanned safety briefing , just in passing conversation the night before we walked through the jungle.

Rhino Safety 101.

When walking in the park if you see a rhino first run, very very fast !

1. Run in a zig zag pattern as Rhino are slow to move sideways and usually just charge in a straight line .
2. Hide behind a bush or climb a tree as fast as possible!
3. If no tree be very afraid and keep running!

Praying might help also, after you have run of course.

1 comment:

  1. that one on the left looks fake hehe chasing rhinos would be a great way to keep in shape!
